Hallmark's Courtier program has a stone polymer core, so like most common SPC products, Courtier is very durable and stable. However it is important to follow a few simple steps leading up to, and during the installation to avoid a customer complaint.
Below are a few bullet points to help avoid a customer complaint when installing a floating SPC floor, in this case Hallmark's Courtier program.
Indoor Environment - Always be sure that the doors and windows are fully installed prior to installation. Most SPC floors require that the climate control system in the space be active for at least 2 days prior to and 2 days after installation. This cannot be possible if the doors and windows are not installed prior to.
Moisture is Still a Concern - The SPC core is waterproof, but the building is not. Care should still be taken to mitigate moisture in a home if there is a clear indication that moisture could develop in an area.
Radiant Heat Guidelines - SPC click floors are largely approved over Radiant Heat systems, but it is best practice to read the manufacturers guidelines for installing over Radiant Heat before proceeding with an installation.
Installing over Slabs - When installing Hallmark Courtier over a cementitious slab of any kind, it is recommended that a poly sheet of at least 6mil thickness be laid down and overlapped with tape before the product is installed. This will prevent moisture from a slab from contacting an SPC floor. This is a generally accepted practice with many waterproof floating floors.
Expansion Gap Requirements - Standard expansion space around the edge of a Hallmark Courtier installation is 1/4" for a 50' wide floor. For each additional 5' of span, the installer should increase the span by 1/16". Once the span reaches 80', the expansion space should be at least 1/2". Larger expansion spaces can be eliminated by introducing transitions strips into doorways. This breaks the span, and reduces expansion spaces back to the original 1/4" if both spans are 50' or less.
Sunlight is a Concern - Many vinyl click products have a maximum tolerance for heat from direct sunlight. As an example, Hallmark Courtier has a maximum tolerance of 140 degrees. While that may seem high, interior floor temperatures can get well over 100 degrees when exposed to direct, persistent sunlight. Great care should be taken when installing any click vinyl product in a space where direct and persistent sunlight is likely. If that care isn't taken, there is a high risk for a complete failure in the flooring system, think buckling because of thermal expansion. If there is a lot of sunlight in the room, floating luxury vinyl may not be the best product for the space.
These are just a few steps that should be taken into consideration when installing a Hallmark click vinyl product like Courtier. While these bullet points are Hallmark specific, most manufacturers have similar recommendations for the installation of these products. Always consult manufacturer guidelines for installation before proceeding with any installation.